Nov 7, 2010

Opinion matters!!!

Wonder how human brain is organized, it can handle ideas, flow of thoughts, functioning of it is incredible. Thoughts are uncontrollable that they never move out of the mind even one try to keep them away. Opinion, Judgement, belief, feelings, view whatever. Handle many commanding respects, Brain is a superpower.

Opinions always matter. To convince, tending to alter opinion, to receive one ‘s adulation, to show off, not to hurt someone ‘s personal, tends to be diplomatic. In the process, opinion becomes corrupted. Belief of opinion to be right, leads to reluctance to change it. With a good exposure, comes out of the narrowness of thoughts and see the world in a right way. Crapping when putting opinions is strictly not recommended. It becomes important as it degrades the value and trustworthiness of opinion, ending up in losing individuality.

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